Here's the box finished ready for the trays and lining to be fitted. The finish I used was 10 coats of thinned  melamine lacquer applied with a cloth. It dries almost instantly so it didn't take too long to apply. I then cut it back with 600 grit abranet followed by 1000 grit to leave a matt surface. An application of a strong carnauba wax blend left a nice sheen. 
The book matched spalted maple was very effective.
I bought these 90 degree hinges a while ago from box maker Ian Hawthorne, the grooves are cut on the  router table with an 8 mm bit as per the instructions. Unfortunately the the hinges were really tight and on checking them they were 8.25 mm wide which was a bit of a fiddle to fit. I suspect the chroming caused the size change.

I fitted a delicate handle from African black wood, it took a little while to shape and fit, but little details like this are worth the effort.

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