Jointers and Smoothers

This order for a jointer, high angled smoother and dovetail guide was posted to Kansas last week. I've had a run on these two planes recently and with shows at Yandles 8-9th September and European Woodworking 21-22nd September I need to top up my stocks.
The smoother below in Indian rosewood had some nice grain.

Saturday was not a good day for me. In the morning I was cleaning off some excess epoxy from the marking knives with a scalpel and you can guess what came next! I'm not going to show you a picture but the gash to the inside of my left index finger required attention.
We had the neighbours round in the evening and I ate something which disagreed with me, sickness and diarrhoea followed in the night and I spent all day Sunday in bed recovering.

Fully recovered I made a start on the planes. Here are the all the blanks for the two planes, the smoothers have had the Lignum bases glued on and trimmed up.

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